@KTzone » 遊戲 - 電腦遊戲討論 » Posh Boutique 2 时尚精品店 2 (免安装正式版)

2009-6-27 15:54 blueybaby
Posh Boutique 2 时尚精品店 2 (免安装正式版)

英文名称:Posh Boutique 2
中文名称:时尚精品店 2
制作发行:Puzzle Lab

* Windows XP, Vista
* 800 Mhz
* 512 MB RAM
* DirectX 9

What happens when Alicia wins the lottery? What else but turn her little Posh Boutiques into a franchise!

Having already achieved success with her small fashion boutiques, Alicia decides to take a tropical vacation and evaluate her next career adventure only to find that she has won $1 million dollars! This was just the opportunity she needed to take her little Posh Boutiques to the next level - franchises! Help her achieve her dreams of entrepreneurial success in this fast paced click management adventure filled with new minigames and shop customization!

To be successful Alicia will need to be fast on her feet, keen to the needs of her customers, thrifty with her finances and astute of her V.I.P. customers!

- Select the minigame you want for each station!
- Customize each boutique's window dressing for more customers!
- All new minigames and hidden object levels!



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