@KTzone » 笴栏 - 筿福笴栏癚阶 » Kelly Green - Garden Queen 园 (装タΑ)

2009-8-4 18:09 blueybaby
Kelly Green - Garden Queen 园 (装タΑ)

璣ゅ称Kelly Green - Garden Queen

Help city gal, Kelly, escape her hectic life to make a go of Grandpa's family farm. With limited resources and only the help of friends, Kelly is determined to revive the farm that once employed locals, but was brought to ruin by corporate interests. If you can finagle your way through a line of customers and still keep the rosebushes thriving, your hard work just might save the day. With creative challenges from floral arrangement to appeasing an unhappy cow, the gameplay is as fresh as a Spring breeze.



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