@KTzone » 遊戲 - 電腦遊戲討論 » ]Fallout 3 Collector's Edition (PC) ENG / RUS

2011-3-4 01:15 word_life32
]Fallout 3 Collector's Edition (PC) ENG / RUS

[b]Fallout 3 Collector's Edition (PC) ENG / RUS[/b]


Russian version. Continuation of cult role-playing series, which the unfolding events in the world, post-nuclear war. War ... War is always war and never changes. At the end of the twenty-first century struggle for oil fields provoked the conflict between the U.S. and China. The diplomatic dispute soon escalated into armed confrontation between two superpowers, which lasted a few hours. Who launched the first missiles had remained a mystery. Earth has become a scorched desert. There were no losers or winners.

Only a few managed to escape from fatal radiation in special shelters, built shortly before the disaster. A new era in the history of mankind ... The main character Fallout 3 lucky: he was born in a shelter, and lived for many years under the protection adamantine reinforced concrete walls, not knowing the dangers that people wait on the surface. But once his father left the shelter and disappeared in an unknown direction. Soon the suspicions of fellow and filial duty to make a hero to follow his father and go to meet fate. What it will be depends on you!
Game features:
Huge, full of mysteries world, many of whose inhabitants believe people easy prey. Try to prove them otherwise!
Dozens of skills will brave adventurers have decent resistance, to detect the deadly traps and find common language with various interlocutors.
Old, unserviceable weapons can disassemble the parts and upgrade, getting new defenses and attack.
Flexible combat system with the incremental elements: attack the enemies in real time, or plan of a unit in pause mode.
More than two hundred options finals. The hero may be the new messiah, changing the future of human civilization, to become a cruel tyrant, to devote his life to criminal activity or an inglorious death in the radioactive desert

[b]System requirements:[/b]
> Operating System: Microsoft Windows ® XP / Vista ®
> Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo +
> Memory: 2 GB +
> Video Card: 3D-graphics adapter with support for Direct X 9.0c and 512 MB memory (NVIDIA 8800 + or ATI 3800 +)
> Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0c
> Free space on your hard disk: 10 GB

[b]Description DLC:[/b]

Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage - Official mini-supplement for approximately 4-5 hours of gameplay and the represents a military simulator with elements of stealth. The player will Ankoreydzh liberate the city from the invasion of Chinese communists. The player will be available to new weapons, new armor, new skills.

The Pitt - Just as in the first official add-Operation Anchorage you get a radio signal for help. Upon arrival the signal you are helping a man named Werner to defend from a handful of obviously non-native raiders. Then grateful Werner asks you to get a cure for mutations that tormented residents of Pittsburgh and sends you to a deserted railway station, where you find yourself in a society of slave-raiders. And continue to play and investigate yourself.

Broken Steel - Unlike previous additions to the BS will need to finish the storyline to play again. Since the limit of development rises above the 20 level, the incentive to play again would be even hardened Munchkin
History, as expected, revolves around the Brotherhood of Steel and the remnants of the enclave. After the victory of one over the other iron woodcutters, and the winners have decided to strike while the iron is hot and make the parched lips of the inhabitants of the Metropolitan Heath never slipped the word "enclave".

Point Lookout - Opens new vast zone of Outland - a dark swampy area near the shore of Maryland. Climb on the ferry and go to the coastal town of Point Lookout, to experience the most mysterious addition to Fallout 3 with the most open-ended.

Mothership Zeta - Hostile aliens come to you in the conflict and kidnapped in the huge ship «Mothership Zeta», orbiting the Earth near the Metropolitan Wastes. Mothership Zeta takes effect Fallout 3 in a completely new setting of - space. Meet new characters and try to escape together from the clutches of enemies! This will help you powerful new weapons, such as «Alien Atomizer», «Alien Disintegrator» and «Drone Cannon», and, of course, the new armor: «Gemini-Era Spacesuit» and even «Samurai Armor».


Year:  2009
Genre: Action (Shooter) / RPG / 3D / 1st Person / 3rd Person
Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Language: Rus / Eng
Tablet: required

-Have all the DLC
-Version of the game - 1.7
-Ability to install HD Texture Pack
- Fallout 3 - 1C
- DLC - TTL Community
-The disc is present a documentary about making a game



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