@KTzone » 消閒 - 生活百科及冷知識 » Beat Color for Men’s Fashion- Brown

2013-8-6 14:19 yinhuazhiyi
Beat Color for Men’s Fashion- Brown

Matching skill is a kind of art in fashion for men, now let’s see how would be like with the brown color for your dressing collocation.

1.Brown suit and shirt. How about a mature and steady suit with the dark brown grounding color and brown that nearly black strips of block? The light brown shirt will be the best and one common style would be ok, as the pieces of it, the tie should be silk and colored, and others like shoes, belt and socks all need choose the same color, darker ones will be better.
2.Brown suit and green shirt. If you want have bold yet elegant interpreting on your brown suit with flower pattern, one green shirt would the most apt item of which the light one with slight white is the best of best. For its gien check, your tie should be geometric pattern and it would be better if there are one or several accessories in the central place which you tie the knot to stress the elegant quality more. Everyone likes the clean team of brown and white, though it is a white tie, there should be textured and a brown tie is a good parter which manifest your white shirt more pure.
3.Brown suit and plaid shirt. It is a common misunderstanding that it is only plain shirt can match up the brown suit with flower pattern, in face you also can try on plaid shirt with the elegant colored strip. For emphasizing its elegance, you can choose navy tie.
4. Brown suit and blue shirt. It is an elegant team of brown and blue. There are any color teams can be better than those two ones: brown and blue; light brown and black. As to accessories of it, the black belt with slight mesh, and a handkerchief with the same color with your shirt or tie stick in your breast pocket naturally will look good.

5.Brown suit and sweater. This is treated as the easiest and most tasteful dressing way. The sweater whit round collar would be more comfortable, if it has the light brown thin textured pattern, a lively and brisk impression will be made on people. But the bottom you should remember tuck in.
6.Brown suit and pink shirt. Everyone sees the pink with different ideas, someone thinks it is noble, while a bit parts treat as a dazzling color. How about a yellow one.


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